PC World Interactive 7
PC World Interactive 7.iso
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The "C" programming language is a powerful, low-level, general
purpose programming language which is fast becoming one of the most
powerful languages in use today. With its popularity increasing,
a new demand for comprehensive, easy-to-learn, literature and
reference material is underway.
I became involved with the local community colleges and began
teaching the "C" Programming Language back in 1983. When I first
began teaching, it became apparent that the text books available
on "C" were causing students to lose interest in the material.
Many of the texts I reviewed presented developed concepts rather
then cultivating concept fragments into complete ideas.
This inspired me to create a series of handouts for my classes
which attempted to "walk" students through the "C" Programming
Language. After receiving an outstanding response from my students,
it was suggested that these handouts be compiled into a tutorial.
I have teamed up with LaserTime of Finland to create such a tutorial.
Hence, this product provides a facility for viewing these basic
All of the text and programs are included on the enclosed program disk.
This will provide an on-line facility to review C Language fundamentals
as well as a facility for testing yourself by using the quiz selection.
All the material is presented in building block format. That is,
small program fragments will be used to illustrate the rules,
constraints, and abilities of the "C" Programming Language.
Today there are many excellent "C" programming books on the market.
This tutorial is not intended to replace those books, just
supplement them. Our goal is to provide the "C" Programmer with a
straight forward, easy to read, and easy to understand tutorial on
the "C" Language.
You will also notice references to "Vanilla C" and "K&R C". These
are both references to the early per-ANSI versions of C. It is
now common to refer to this early version of C as just "K&R C".
Today many books on C only cover ANSI C. While I believe that you should
always write C code using ANSI C (i.e. function prototypes, etc.), you should
also be familiar with the "K&R C" version. Many older UNIX systems still
in use today use only "K&R C". What this all means is using function
prototypes, void, and other ANSI C constructs, your program may not compile
properly on those older systems. Therefore, it may be necessary for you to
understand both forms of the C Language which is why this tutorial includes
"K&R C" and "ANSI C" examples.
This version of the C Tutorial is a shareware version. You may make
copies and share it with your friends and/or students. If you find
this program useful, please send in the registration fee. Upon
receipt of the registration fee, we will send you additional quiz
problems and all documentation (over 180 pages including a section on
application articles).
The documentation includes instructions on how you can add your own quiz
problems and importing them via a file. (For you instructors out there,
this feature is extremely useful in helping your students study for tests.)
There is also a selection which allows you to print out the quiz
problems. This will allow professors to generate tests for their classes,
and will assist students with their study of the C Language.
I hope you find this program useful. Please forward me all suggestions
for program modifications and to change any typo's you find. I really
want to hear from users (good and bad responses). As with all "living"
projects, this program will evolve with your help. I believe this
product will help provide a starting point for further study and a spring
board for you to move towards C++.
Good luck in your quest to become a "C" expert. And by all means,
try to have fun.
Rick Rowe
NOTE TO PROFESSORS: If you would like to order this for your C Programming
Class, please contact me at the above email address. We have special
offers for Purchase Orders for Colleges and Universities.
Includes full user version with over 200 quiz questions (and growing as
users continue to share their interesting quiz questions with us) and a
150+ page manual (includes instructions on adding your own quiz questions).
Street Address:____________________________________________________________
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Email Address:_____________________________________________________________
(Internet, Compuserve, or Fidonet preferred)
Product Desired: (All products shipped on 3.5" HD diskettes)
Price Product
$19.95 ( ) IBM PC/Compatible 3 1/2" Disk with all documentation.
-- OR --
$34.95 ( ) All of the above included in an organized binder.
Method of Payment:
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All prices are shown in US funds. Overseas customers must
send bank draft in US dollars. (No personal cheques accepted from
overseas) Mastercard/VISA is NOT accepted.
COMPUTER: [ ] PENTIUM/586 [ ] 486 [ ] 386 [] 286-not recommended
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SHIPPING [ ] USA: $5. Each additional item add $1.
CHARGES: [ ] Canada & Mexico: $6. Each additional item add $1.
[ ] All other countries: $8.
Total payment: $______________ (CALIF. residents MUST add correct sales tax.)
Note: Payment must be in U.S. dollars and drawn against a U.S. bank.
Please do not send cash!
*** Thank you! ***
Mail to: Computer Services Unlimited
3245 South White Road, Suite 106
San Jose, CA 95148-4056 U.S.A.
Internet email: rowe@netcom.com
Make checks payable to "Computer Services Unlimited". Allow up to two weeks
for delivery. All prices subject to change without notice. All items subject
to availability.
Where did you get or Professor Learnware(tm) shareware?
[ ] CompuServe
[ ] America Online
[ ] Other BBS -- Please write name:
[ ] Shareware catalog -- Please write name:
[ ] Work, a friend or a relative
[ ] Retail store, off a rack, in a box or other simple packaging
[ ] CD-ROM disk
[ ] Other:__________________________________________________________________
What do you like best about the Professor Learnware(tm) C Tutorial Program?
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